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Will tacks

against my body’s

bet. Astral

wind might

similarly run metal skin off

a galactic freighter.

Tail of a comet,

I sweat pure light.

How many rooms were there

in the fever?

How many times would some

sun be on the ground

of the Sonnenallee,

pouring oil after



what I can

only intuit:

mech I pilot’s

misshapen, make

a lodge of labor,

fling out a Ron Trent track

there to forget

I’m in a cockpit,

corner wind,

corner wind in hopes of

wind bearing its own corner,

hoping such a turn

will assess me while

formulating ratios in my sleep

to disband hope altogether.

When does the future you once envisioned this body to host you in end?

NAT MARCUS is a recording and printing artist based in Berlin. Her vocal practice developed out of writing and reciting poetry at readings organized by TABLOID Press – a publishing house she co-founded with Zoe Darsee in 2014. She has collaborated as a vocalist with musical artists such as Perila, Special Guest DJ, Soho Rezanejad, and Ulla Straus, and in November 2019 performed a live set with exael on Berlin’s HÖR radio. As a designer, she has produced album graphics for labels including wood//work, Experiences Ltd., Uzuri, and Lillerne Tapes.


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