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i need something right now that i dont have …

i need dogs and cats and a spatula, an ass

to pat with it, lightly, a buccula

and a keyboard, magic well-sprung from the blockhouse,

my friend,

my teammate,

i love you.

the marketing is fabulous ... you really had me going going right to your doorstep with that frog

you said you wanted,

that martian

frog that looks like your grandfather, that devilish looking frog with glowing appendages,

that frog from


so sorry i couldnt massage your temples

and * your eyelids tonight,

i have no hats in this race, no rabbits, no. -consoles.


RICKY SALMONHUNTER is the poet-persona of Michael Watkins, who studies poetics and biosemiotics as a PhD student at the University of Pennsylvania, which stands on Lenape territory. In 2022, he published a collection of mock-pastoral poems titled PASTORALLLL. His chapbook Underbellies of the Ancient Cube Trick is forthcoming from Spiral Editions.

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