A fallacy of norms.
In metrological precision.
Syntactical line adherence.
Utopian chrysalis.
Brash emperor deciding
a skydance.
The iceberg of holographic coin
like the cave of healing water
placed outside the latitude.
He is made to wander
the night of the city
because the electric light
will open around him. We watch
the miracle from the hill.
Cold images align
as the morning glow
becomes the mechanical hour.
Clamshell, closed-cell
extruded polystyrene foam.
Bars of rusting cream.
Video of an old hero
and the sad guilt of the need
for a hero. White tanks
on the roof, I dream often
of the crying comedian.
BBQ at the girlfriend’s.
Clowns drunk on the beach.
The bag resembles the flag of the interior.
MICHAEL BORTH is a writer from The Hudson Valley. His work appears in Otoliths, Trampoline, Spectra Poets, DFL Lit, and elsewhere. He is the author of The Health Department, a novel available here: